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In "Long Distance Intimacy: Class, Gender, and Intergenerational Relations between Mothers and Children in Filipino Transnational Families," Rhacel Parrenas explores the dynamics of familial relationships in Filipino families separated by migration. Here are the key points of the paper: 1. **Transnational Families**: The paper focuses on Filipino migrant mothers who work abroad and the impact of their absence on their children's lives and family

In his 2002 paper titled "Globalization and Migration: The Impact of Family Remittances in Latin America," Manuel Orozco examines the multifaceted effects of migration and remittances on Latin American economies and societies. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Migration Trends**: Orozco discusses the increasing rates of migration from Latin American countries to the United States and other regions, driven by economic disparities,

In the paper "Transnational Childhoods: The Participation of Children in Processes of Family Migration," the authors Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Barrie Thome, Anna Chee, and Wan Shun Eva Lam explore the role and experiences of children in the context of family migration. Key points of the paper include: 1. **Children as Active Participants**: The authors argue that children actively participate in migration processes, challenging the perception

In the paper "The Role of Emotions in the Construction of Masculinity: Guatemalan Migrant Men, Transnational Migration, and Family Relations," Veronica Montes explores how emotions play a critical role in shaping the identities of Guatemalan migrant men and their understanding of masculinity in the context of transnational migration. Key points of the paper include: 1. **Emotional Labor and Masculinity**: The study highlights the emotional

In their paper "Gender Matters: Ethnographers Bring Gender from the Periphery toward the Core of Migration Studies," Mahler and Pessar argue for the critical integration of gender analysis within migration studies. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Historical Marginalization of Gender**: The authors discuss how gender has often been sidelined in migration research, which traditionally focused on economic and political factors,

The paper by Liang and Sun (2020) titled "The Lasting Impact of Parental Migration on Education and Health of Children in China" investigates the effects of parental migration on the educational outcomes and health of children left behind in rural areas of China. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Background**: The study focuses on the phenomenon of parental migration, which has become prevalent in China as parents seek better economic

The paper by Kim and Yang (2014) examines the labor market performance of college-educated Asian American women in the United States. Here are the key points of the study: 1. **Focus on Asian American Women**: The authors aim to analyze whether Asian American women have advantageous labor market outcomes compared to their peers from other racial and ethnic backgrounds. 2. **Labor Market Performance Indicators**: The study considers various

The paper by Chelle Jones titled "Jigsaw Migration: How Mixed Citizenship LGBTQ Families (Re) Assemble Their Fragmented Citizenship" explores the unique experiences and challenges faced by LGBTQ families with mixed citizenship status. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Concept of Jigsaw Migration**: Jones introduces the term "jigsaw migration" to describe how LGBTQ families navigate the complexities of varied immigration statuses. This

The paper by Huang Shirlena and Brenda SA Yeoh (2005) explores the phenomenon of transnational families, specifically focusing on Chinese mothers who migrate to Singapore to support their children's education. Here are the key points: 1. **Transnational Family Dynamics**: The study examines how globalization influences family structures, highlighting the growing trend of migration for educational benefits. 2. **Role of 'Study Mothers'**: The

The paper "I'm Here, but I'm There: The Meaning of Latina Transnational Motherhood" by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo and Ernestine Avila examines the complex experiences of Latina mothers who navigate parenting across national borders. Here are the key points: 1. **Transnational Motherhood**: The authors define transnational motherhood as a phenomenon where Latina women maintain caregiving and parenting roles while being physically separated from

In the paper "The Effect of Family Member Migration on Education and Work among Nonmigrant Youth in Mexico," Andrew Halpern-Manners examines how the migration of family members affects the educational and labor outcomes of nonmigrant youth in Mexico. Key points from the paper include: 1. **Research Context**: The study is set against the backdrop of significant migration trends in Mexico, particularly to the United States, and explores how these

The paper "Central Themes in the Study of Transnational Parenthood" by Jorgen Carling, Cecilia Menjivar, and Leah Schmalzbauer explores the concept of transnational parenthood, which refers to the parenting practices of individuals who maintain connections across national borders. Here are the key points of the paper: 1. **Definition and Scope**: The authors define transnational parenthood as involving parents who live in different countries

The paper "Transnational Families" by Baldassar, Kilkey, Merla, and Wilding provides an in-depth exploration of the dynamics and structures of families that maintain strong connections across national borders. Here are the key points: 1. **Definition of Transnational Families**: The paper defines transnational families as those that are partially dispersed across countries, where family members maintain emotional and financial ties despite

In the paper "Economic well-being in Salvadoran transnational families: How gender affects remittance practices" by Leisy Abrego, the author explores the dynamics of remittance practices within Salvadoran families that are split between the United States and El Salvador. Here are the key points: 1. **Transnational Families**: The study focuses on Salvadoran transnational families, where members reside in multiple countries. It examines how these

The paper "Transnationalism: current debates and new perspectives" by Tedeschi, Vorobeva, and Jauhiainen explores the concept of transnationalism and its evolving discourse in geographical studies. Key points include: 1. **Definition and Scope**: The authors define transnationalism as the processes and practices that connect individuals and groups across national boundaries, impacting social, economic, and political dimensions. 2. **Historical

In "Transnational Lives and National Identities: The Identity Politics of Haitian Immigrants," Nina Glick Schiller and Georges Fouron explore the complex ways in which Haitian immigrants navigate their identities across national borders. The key points of the paper include: 1. **Transnationalism**: The authors argue that Haitian immigrants maintain strong ties to their homeland while simultaneously integrating into the social and economic fabric

In "The Study of Transnationalism: Pitfalls and Promise of an Emergent Research Field," authors Alejandro Portes, Luis E. Guarnizo, and Patricia Landolt discuss the complexities and potential of transnationalism as a research area. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Definition of Transnationalism**: The authors define transnationalism as processes by which migrants maintain connections and networks across national borders, influencing

In the paper "Entrepreneurship, Transnationalism, and Development" by Alejandro Portes and Jessica Yiu, the authors explore the complex interplay between entrepreneurship, transnationalism, and economic development, particularly in the context of migration. Here are the key points summarized: 1. **Transnational Entrepreneurial Networks**: The authors highlight the significance of transnational networks formed by migrants, which can facilitate