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can you build a B2B satisfaction questionaire

Certainly! Below is a comprehensive B2B (Business-to-Business) satisfaction questionnaire that can be used to gather feedback from clients or partners. This questionnaire can be customized based on specific needs or aspects of your business. ### B2B Satisfaction Questionnaire #### Section 1: Company Information 1. **Company Name:** 2. **Industry:** 3. **Your Role/Position:** 4. **How long have you been doing business with us?** - Less than 1 year - 1-2 years - 3-5 years - More than 5 years #### Section 2: Overall Satisfaction 5. **On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our products/services?** - (1 = Very Dissatisfied, 10 = Very Satisfied) 6. **What do you value most about your relationship with our company?** (Select all that apply) - Product Quality - Customer Service - Pricing - Communication - Delivery Timeliness - Other (please specify): ___________ #### Section 3: Product/Service Quality 7. **How would you rate the quality of our products/services?** - Excellent - Good - Average - Poor 8. **Have our products/services met your expectations?** - Yes - No - If no, please explain: ___________ #### Section 4: Customer Service 9. **How satisfied are you with our customer service?** - Very Satisfied - Satisfied - Neutral - Dissatisfied - Very Dissatisfied 10. **How responsive has our team been to your inquiries or concerns?** - Very Responsive - Responsive - Neutral - Unresponsive - Very Unresponsive #### Section 5: Communication 11. **How would you rate the clarity of our communication?** - Excellent - Good - Average - Poor 12. **What method of communication do you prefer?** (Select one) - Email - Phone - In-person meetings - Video conferencing - Other (please specify): ___________ #### Section 6: Pricing and Value 13. **How do you perceive the value of our products/services in relation to the price?** - Excellent Value - Good Value - Fair Value - Poor Value 14. **How does our pricing compare to our competitors?** - Much Better - Better - About the Same - Worse - Much Worse #### Section 7: Overall Experience 15. **What challenges (if any) have you faced while working with us?** (Open-Ended) 16. **What improvements would you like to see?** (Open-Ended) #### Section 8: Future Considerations 17. **How likely are you to recommend our company to other businesses?** (1 = Not Likely, 10 = Highly Likely) 18. **What products/services would you like us to offer in the future?** (Open-Ended) #### Section 9: Additional Feedback 19. **Is there anything else you would like to share with us?** (Open-Ended) ### Thank You! Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our products and services. --- Feel free to adjust the questions, response options, and sections based on the specific context and goals of your survey!