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What are the merit of preference shares ?

Preference shares, also known as preferred stock, have several merits that may appeal to both investors and companies. Here are some of the key advantages: 1. **Fixed Dividend Payments**: Preference shareholders receive fixed dividends, which means they have more predictable income compared to common shareholders whose dividends can vary. 2. **Priority in Earnings Distribution**: In the event of liquidation, preference shareholders have a higher claim on assets than common shareholders. They are paid out before common shareholders during asset distribution. 3. **Less Volatility**: Preference shares are often less volatile than common shares, making them a more stable investment option. 4. **Convertibility Options**: Some preference shares come with the option to convert into common shares at a predetermined rate, allowing investors to benefit from potential capital appreciation. 5. **No Voting Rights**: While this can be seen as a disadvantage, for some investors, it may be a positive aspect as it means that they do not have to engage in company governance and decision-making. 6. **Tax Advantages**: In some jurisdictions, dividends paid on preference shares may receive favorable tax treatment compared to interest payments on debt. 7. **Hybrid Features**: Preference shares combine features of both equity and debt, offering a balance between risk and return that can be attractive to certain investors. 8. **Attractive for Companies**: For companies, issuing preference shares can be a way to raise capital without diluting the control of common shareholders, as preference shares typically do not carry voting rights. 9. **Stability in Times of Company Distress**: Preference shareholders may receive dividends even if the company is facing financial difficulties, depending on the type of preference shares issued. 10. **Callability**: Many preference shares are callable, meaning the issuing company can buy them back at a predetermined price after a certain date. This can provide flexibility for companies in managing their capital structure. Understanding these merits can help investors make informed decisions about including preference shares in their investment portfolios, depending on their risk tolerance and financial goals.