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summarize the key points of the paper:Carling, Jorgen, Cecilia Menjivar, and Leah Schmalzbauer. 2012. "Central Themes in the Study of Transnational Parenthood." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38(2):191-217.

The paper "Central Themes in the Study of Transnational Parenthood" by Jorgen Carling, Cecilia Menjivar, and Leah Schmalzbauer explores the concept of transnational parenthood, which refers to the parenting practices of individuals who maintain connections across national borders. Here are the key points of the paper: 1. **Definition and Scope**: The authors define transnational parenthood as involving parents who live in different countries from their children, highlighting the complex emotional, social, and economic dynamics that arise from these arrangements. 2. **Economic Factors**: The paper examines the economic motivations behind transnational parenting, often linked to migration for work. Parents might leave their children in their home country while seeking better financial opportunities abroad. 3. **Social and Emotional Impacts**: It analyzes the emotional consequences for both parents and children, including feelings of longing, guilt, and the challenges of maintaining relationships from a distance. It emphasizes the importance of communication and technology in sustaining parent-child bonds. 4. **Cultural Dynamics**: The authors discuss how cultural values and practices influence parenting styles in transnational contexts. Immigrant parents may blend cultural traditions from their home country with those of the host country, affecting their children's upbringing. 5. **Policy Implications**: The paper highlights the need for policies that acknowledge the realities of transnational families, advocating for support systems that cater to their unique challenges. 6. **Future Research Directions**: The authors call for further research into the diversity of transnational parenting experiences and the impact of global migration trends on family structures. Overall, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of transnational parenthood, emphasizing its complexities and the necessity for a nuanced understanding of familial relationships across borders.