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summarize the key points of the paper:Tedeschi, M., Vorobeva, E. & Jauhiainen, J.S. Transnationalism: current debates and new perspectives. GeoJournal 87, 603-619 (2022).

The paper "Transnationalism: current debates and new perspectives" by Tedeschi, Vorobeva, and Jauhiainen explores the concept of transnationalism and its evolving discourse in geographical studies. Key points include: 1. **Definition and Scope**: The authors define transnationalism as the processes and practices that connect individuals and groups across national boundaries, impacting social, economic, and political dimensions. 2. **Historical Context**: The paper situates transnationalism within a historical framework, acknowledging its roots in migration studies and how globalization has intensified transnational connections. 3. **Current Debates**: The authors discuss contemporary debates surrounding transnationalism, including issues of identity, belonging, and citizenship, and how these are influenced by global flows of people, goods, and ideas. 4. **Methodological Approaches**: They highlight diverse methodological approaches in transnational research, advocating for interdisciplinary perspectives that incorporate qualitative and quantitative methods. 5. **Implications for Policy and Practice**: The paper emphasizes the significance of understanding transnational ties for policy-making, particularly in areas such as immigration, integration, and economic development. 6. **New Perspectives**: The authors propose new avenues for research, including examining the intersections of transnationalism with technology, environmental issues, and the role of transnational networks in local contexts. The paper ultimately calls for a more nuanced understanding of transnationalism to address contemporary global challenges and foster greater academic and practical engagement with the concept.