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summarize the key points of the paper:Gans, Herbert J. 1979. "Symbolic Ethnicity: The Future of Ethnic Groups and Cultures in America." Ethnic and racial studies 2(1):1-20.

In "Symbolic Ethnicity: The Future of Ethnic Groups and Cultures in America," Herbert J. Gans explores the concept of ethnicity in the context of American society. Here are the key points of the paper: 1. **Definition of Symbolic Ethnicity**: Gans introduces the term "symbolic ethnicity" to describe a form of ethnic identity that is more about personal choice and cultural symbols than about deep, lived experiences. This type of ethnicity is characterized by a selective engagement with one's ethnic heritage, often expressed through cultural practices, rituals, and symbols rather than through everyday experiences. 2. **Changing Nature of Ethnic Identity**: The paper discusses how ethnic identity in America is evolving. Gans argues that many individuals, especially second and third-generation immigrants, may not have strong attachments to the social and economic realities of their ancestral cultures but may still embrace a symbolic ethnic identity to maintain a connection to their heritage. 3. **Integration and Assimilation**: Gans contends that as ethnic groups assimilate into the broader American culture, the need for a strong, material sense of ethnicity diminishes. However, individuals may still choose to celebrate their cultural differences through festivals, foods, and other symbolic practices. 4. **Political and Social Implications**: The emergence of symbolic ethnicity has implications for social and political dynamics in the U.S. The choice to engage with one's ethnic background can contribute to a sense of individuality and belonging without the pressure of maintaining a rigid ethnic identity. This could lead to a more fluid understanding of race and ethnicity. 5. **Critique of 'Traditional' Ethnicity**: Gans challenges the idea that ethnic identity must always be strong and deeply rooted in the socio-economic conditions of immigrant life. He posits that modern contexts allow for a more relaxed, celebratory form of ethnicity that people can adopt at their convenience. 6. **Impact on Future Ethnic Groups**: The paper suggests that as America continues to diversify, symbolic ethnicity will likely play a central role in how new generations of Americans relate to their cultural backgrounds. This could result in a more diverse but also more homogenized understanding of ethnicity and culture. Gans’ analysis provides insight into the complexities of ethnic identity in America, highlighting both the Fluidity of cultural expressions in contemporary society and the potential for an evolving understanding of what it means to belong to an ethnic group.