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summarize the key points of the paper:Bilsborrow, Richard E. 2016. "Concepts, Definitions and Data Collection Approaches." P.109-157 in Michael J.White (Ed.) International Handbook of Migration and Population Distribution. Springer.

The paper by Richard E. Bilsborrow, titled "Concepts, Definitions and Data Collection Approaches," discusses essential frameworks and methodologies related to migration and population distribution. Key points from the paper include: 1. **Definitional Clarity**: Bilsborrow emphasizes the importance of clear definitions of key concepts such as migration, migrants, and population distribution to enable consistent data collection and analysis across various contexts. 2. **Conceptual Frameworks**: The paper presents different conceptual frameworks that can be employed to understand migration patterns, highlighting factors that influence migration decisions, including economic, social, and environmental aspects. 3. **Data Collection Methods**: Bilsborrow reviews various data collection approaches, including surveys, censuses, and qualitative methods, discussing their strengths and limitations in capturing migration-related information. 4. **Importance of Context**: The author stresses that migration is influenced by specific local, national, and regional contexts, suggesting that data collection must be tailored to reflect these unique circumstances. 5. **Data Challenges**: The paper outlines common challenges in migration data collection, such as underreporting, definitional inconsistencies, and the need for longitudinal data to understand migration trends over time. 6. **Policy Implications**: Bilsborrow concludes with a discussion on the implications of accurate migration data for policy-making, underscoring that well-informed policies can enhance the management of migration and its socio-economic impacts. Overall, the chapter serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the complexities of migration data, emphasizing the need for methodological rigor and contextual awareness in research.