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summarize the key points of the paper:Goldstein, Joshua R. and Guy Stecklov. 2016. "From Patrick to John F. Ethnic Names and Occupational Success in the Last Era of Mass Migration." American Sociological Review 81(1):85-106.

The paper "From Patrick to John F. Ethnic Names and Occupational Success in the Last Era of Mass Migration" by Joshua R. Goldstein and Guy Stecklov explores the impact of ethnic names on the occupational success of immigrants in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Here are the key points: 1. **Ethnic Names and Discrimination**: The study investigates how individuals with ethnic names, particularly those associated with Irish and other immigrant groups, faced discrimination in the labor market. Names serve as a marker of ethnicity and can influence hiring decisions. 2. **Occupational Trajectories**: The authors analyze the occupational outcomes of individuals with different ethnic names to understand how these names affected their integration and advancement in the workforce. 3. **Data and Methodology**: The research uses historical data, including census records and employment information, to track the success of various ethnic groups and their names over time, providing empirical evidence of the effects of name-based discrimination. 4. **Findings on Social Mobility**: The study reveals that individuals with traditionally Anglo-Saxon names (like John or William) tended to achieve better occupational outcomes compared to those with names that signified their immigrant status (like Patrick or Giovanni), highlighting an important aspect of social mobility. 5. **Implications for Understanding Migration**: The findings contribute to broader discussions on immigration, integration, and the social dynamics of ethnic identities in the workplace, suggesting that the legacy of names continues to impact individuals’ life chances. 6. **Historical Context**: The authors place their findings within the context of the mass migration era, considering how societal attitudes towards different ethnic groups shaped opportunities and barriers faced by immigrants. Overall, this paper provides insights into the intersection of ethnicity, identity, and economic opportunity, reflecting on how historical biases have lasting effects on social mobility and occupational success.