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Brown, Susan K., and Frank D. Bean. 2016. "Conceptualizing Migration: From Internal/International to Kinds of Membership". In International Handbook of Migration and Population Distribution (pp. 91-106). Springer Netherlands.summarize the key points of th

In their 2016 paper, "Conceptualizing Migration: From Internal/International to Kinds of Membership," Susan K. Brown and Frank D. Bean explore the evolving frameworks for understanding migration. They argue that traditional classifications of migration as either internal or international are too simplistic and do not fully capture the complexities of contemporary migration patterns. Key points of the paper include: 1. **Reframing Migration Concepts**: The authors propose a shift from binary classifications to a more nuanced understanding of migration that incorporates various forms of membership and belonging. This includes considering legal status, social ties, and economic factors. 2. **Types of Membership**: Brown and Bean analyze different kinds of membership that migrants may hold, such as citizenship, residency, and informal status. They discuss how these memberships influence migrants' experiences and integration into host societies. 3. **Diverse Experiences**: The paper emphasizes that migration experiences are highly diverse and shaped by individual circumstances, including economic opportunities, family connections, and political contexts. 4. **Implications for Policy and Research**: The authors suggest that rethinking migration concepts has important implications for social policy, integration strategies, and migration research. A more complex understanding can help address the needs and challenges faced by different migrant populations. 5. **Global Context**: The paper situates the discussion within a broader global framework, recognizing the interconnectedness of migration trends and the need for international cooperation in addressing migration-related issues. Overall, the authors advocate for a more comprehensive and flexible conceptualization of migration that goes beyond traditional dichotomies and acknowledges the multifaceted nature of migration in today's world.