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summarize the key points of the paper:Nawyn, Stephanie J. 2011. "'I have so many successful stories': framing social citizenship for refugees." Citizenship Studies 15(6-7): 679-693.

In the paper "'I have so many successful stories': framing social citizenship for refugees," Stephanie J. Nawyn explores the concept of social citizenship in relation to refugee experiences. Here are the key points summarized: 1. **Social Citizenship Framework**: Nawyn examines how social citizenship extends beyond legal status and encompasses access to social rights, resources, and community integration for refugees. 2. **Refugee Narratives**: The paper emphasizes the importance of personal narratives and success stories from refugees, arguing that these stories can challenge stereotypes and reshape public perceptions of refugees. 3. **Framing and Discourse**: Nawyn discusses how the framing of refugee stories can influence broader social narratives and policies regarding immigration and social inclusion. Positive portrayals help in legitimizing refugees’ contributions to society. 4. **Struggles for Inclusion**: The paper highlights the ongoing struggles many refugees face in achieving social citizenship, such as discrimination and lack of access to services, which complicates their ability to integrate fully into society. 5. **Policy Implications**: Nawyn suggests that recognizing and valuing the successful integration stories of refugees can inform more inclusive policies and practices that support their social citizenship. 6. **Community Engagement**: The significance of community support and engagement is emphasized, indicating that fostering relationships within local communities can enhance the sense of belonging and agency among refugees. Overall, the paper calls for a reframing of the discourse surrounding refugees to highlight their potential contributions and the need for a more inclusive understanding of citizenship that encompasses social rights.