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write a story about a boy asking an audience if you wanted to avoid making someone think your trying to be intimate with them when tickling them which spot should you avoid: feet neck armpits sides

Once upon a time in the small, cheerful town of Laughterville, there lived a curious boy named Oliver. Oliver was known for his playful nature and his knack for making friends with everyone he met. One sunny afternoon, he decided to organize a humorous gathering at the park with his friends. The excitement was palpable as the air filled with the sound of laughter, and the sun painted golden rays across the grass. As the kids gathered, Oliver had a mischievous idea. He wanted to put on a quirky show where he posed a silly question to everyone and see how they would respond. With a grin stretching from ear to ear, he took center stage on the grassy hill, drawing the attention of his friends. “Hey, everyone! I have an important mystery for you!” Oliver announced dramatically, causing the other kids to perk up with curiosity. “Today, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you absolutely do not want to make someone think you’re being intimate with them while tickling them, which spot should you avoid? Is it—” he paused for effect, waving his hands in the air, “feet, neck, armpits, or sides?” The crowd erupted in giggles at Oliver's unexpected question. His friends began to shout out various answers, each contributing their own opinions. “Definitely the feet!” yelled Sara, jumping up and down. “That’s way too personal!” “No, no! It has to be the neck!” piped in Sam, trying to stifle his laughter. “That’s where you’d really cross a line!” Oliver, grinning, started to take a poll. “Okay, let’s have a vote! Who thinks it’s the feet?” He raised his hand, and a few others eagerly joined in, raising their hands high. “Now, who thinks it’s the neck?” This time, even more hands shot up, with an enthusiastic shout from Lucy. They continued to discuss each spot, with each option offering its own reasons for being the ‘most intimate’. Oliver loved the banter, enjoying the genuine humor that surrounded them. Then came the armpits, which caused the crowd to erupt into a wave of uncontrollable laughter. “Oh come on!” shouted Dani, “No one tickles armpits unless they want to create an awkward situation!” Finally, with all the playful arguments flying around, Oliver realized they had missed one critical point—what a funny misunderstanding it was to fret over tickling in the first place! He raised his hands for silence once again. “Alright, alright! I think we can all agree that tickling is supposed to be fun and silly, right? I mean, when you’re friends, it’s not about crossing boundaries but about sharing laughs!” The group nodded, starting to calm down. Oliver then declared a tickle fight, and in an instant, they were a flurry of laughter and playful energy, darting around on the grass, playfully poking and prodding at each other. In the end, the whole thing turned out to be an unforgettable day, filled with joy and the sound of laughter echoing through the park. Oliver learned that while boundaries were important, the essence of friendship was about feeling safe enough to share laughter, whether it involved tickling or just being silly together. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the park, Oliver realized the best way to ensure that everyone felt comfortable was simple: communication, kindness, and the understanding that between friends, laughter was the thread that tied them all together.