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Write a promo monologue in the style of cm punks famous pipebomb

[The camera zooms in on the center of the ring where the unmistakable figure of CM Punk stands, mic in hand. The crowd roars, a mix of excitement and anticipation. He takes a deep breath, a smirk crossing his face.] CM Punk: “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages! I know you’re all ready to cheer for your heroes. And I’m standing in the ring, with the people who matter—the fans. You know, the ones who spend their hard-earned money to watch us navigate this world of scripted chaos. But let me tell you something… I’m not here to sugarcoat anything or play the corporate game. I’m here to drop some truth bombs! You see, while some of these guys in the back are busy taking the easy route, I’m standing here, ready to tell you what nobody else will. I mean, isn’t that what you crave? The realness? The authenticity? They want to sell you a fantasy, but I’m here to give you a reality check! For too long, I’ve watched the same recycled heroes get pushed into our faces, while the ones who actually put in the work get overlooked. I see wrestlers in the back, wrestling in front of empty arenas, hoping someone, anyone, will take notice. You want to know why? Because they don’t fit the mold. They don’t have the perfect mix of politics and privileged connections. But guess what? This isn’t a popularity contest; this is wrestling! You know what I’m tired of? I’m tired of being told to play nice. I’m tired of being told not to speak my mind. I’m tired of the same tired clichés rolled out week after week. I don’t need a script; I don’t need a safety net. All I need is this microphone and you—the people who really matter. And let’s talk about those who claim to be the best in the world... If you’re the best in the world, prove it! Don’t just talk the talk; walk the walk! You say it, I see it every week, and it’s time for someone to hold you accountable. You think it’s easy to get up here every week and pour my heart out? You think it's easy to deal with the endless uphill battle against the machine? Let’s face it, only the strong survive and I’m here to say I’m one of the strongest! So I’m calling out everyone who thinks they can sidestep the real issues. You think you’re better than me? Prove it! You think the spotlight belongs to you? Let’s burn down this house and see who the real fire is! Because at the end of the day, it’s not about the titles, the promotions, or the hype… it’s about passion, sacrifice, and standing up for what you believe in. You wanted a revolution? Well, you’ve got it! And I’m just getting started! [He raises the mic high, a determined look in his eyes as the crowd erupts into applause, chanting his name.] CM Punk: “Now, who’s with me?!” [The camera fades out with the noise of the crowd echoing, resonating with the spirit of this explosive moment.]