Write a data gathering procure of PRISMA FLOW with topic ERIC Database Search 105,562 full text, 34,596 peer reviewed, 11,943 SINCE 2024, - 497 journal entries, 487 foreign langage 378 english (second language). 174 LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY 31
Below is an outline of a PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flow diagram based on the results of a search in the ERIC database for a systematic review. The numbers provided have been incorporated into the flow of the data gathering steps.
### PRISMA Flow Diagram for ERIC Database Search
1. **Identification**
- Records identified through database searching: **105,562**
- Additional records identified through other sources: **0** (Assumed no additional sources for simplicity)
- Total records identified: **105,562**
2. **Screening**
- Records after duplicates removed: **(Assuming duplicates are negligible, or a specific number is provided early in your actual search process)**
- Records screened: **105,562**
- Records excluded: **(Let's assume a hypothetical number, e.g., 70,000)**
- Records to be assessed for eligibility: **35,562**
3. **Eligibility**
- Full-text articles assessed for eligibility: **34,596**
- Full-text articles excluded:
- Not peer-reviewed: **11,943**
- Not relevant: **(Assume, for instance, 1,000)**
- Other reasons: **(Assume, let’s say, 100)**
- Total full-text articles excluded: **12,643**
- Full-text articles included in qualitative synthesis: **21,953** (from subtracting exclusions from those assessed)
4. **Inclusion**
- Full-text articles included in quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis):
- Journal entries included: **487**
- Foreign language articles included: **378**
- English (second language) articles included: **174**
- Articles focusing on language proficiency: **31**
### Summary of Findings
- Records identified from ERIC Database: **105,562**
- Full-text articles assessed: **34,596**
- Peer-reviewed articles assessed: **11,943**
- Journal entries included in final analysis: **487**
- Articles in foreign languages: **378**
- Articles focused on English as a second language: **174**
- Articles concentrated on language proficiency: **31**
### Notes
- This flow diagram should be visually represented for presentations or publications. Each step reflects the systematic review process.
- Clarify the assumptions made for certain numbers where precise values were not provided. For instance, the step between "records screened" and "records assessed for eligibility" could vary based on how duplicates were handled.
- The hypothetical numbers for records excluded provide a clearer picture and may also vary based on your review criteria.
Please adapt the hypothetical numbers and details as necessary to fit your exact research context and findings.