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Why does the Virgin Mary touch the loins of Jesus after taking him off the cross?

The image of the Virgin Mary touching the body of the crucified Jesus is often depicted in Christian art, particularly in works portraying the Pietà, which shows Mary holding and mourning over Jesus' body after the crucifixion. This moment symbolizes deep sorrow, compassion, and the intimate relationship between mother and son. The act of touching Jesus' body, especially in a sensitive area like the loins, can have several interpretations: 1. **Intimacy and Mourning**: It underscores the profound grief that Mary feels as a mother witnessing the suffering and death of her son. The physical connection emphasizes the bond they shared. 2. **Symbolism of Suffering**: This gesture can also symbolize the shared suffering and humanity between Mary and Jesus. It signifies the pain that both endured—physical and emotional. 3. **Redemptive Suffering**: In Christian theology, the suffering of Jesus is seen as redemptive for humanity. Mary's touch may symbolize acceptance of this sacrifice and the role she plays in the salvation narrative. 4. **Artistic Interpretation**: Artists often embellish scenes to convey deeper theological meanings. The touch may serve to enhance the emotional impact of the artwork, eliciting empathy from the viewer. Overall, this moment reflects complex themes of loss, love, and sacrifice within the Christian faith. Interpretations can vary based on cultural, artistic, and theological perspectives.