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Why do developers see themselves as barbarously encroaching on historical buildings in the center?

Developers often face criticism when they propose new projects in historic city centers, and they might feel as though they are "barbarously encroaching" on these buildings for several reasons: 1. **Cultural Heritage**: Historical buildings are often seen as integral to a city's identity and cultural heritage. Developers may be viewed as threatening this heritage when they plan modern constructions that contrast sharply with the historical context. 2. **Aesthetic Concerns**: New developments can sometimes be seen as visually jarring or out of place when set against historical architecture. Critics may feel that such developments detract from the beauty and character of the area. 3. **Community Resistance**: Local communities often have strong emotional ties to historical sites. Developers can be viewed as outsiders disregarding the wishes and sentiments of long-time residents in favor of profit and modernity. 4. **Gentrification**: New developments can lead to gentrification, which may displace existing residents and businesses. This can create tension between preserving historical character and promoting new development, especially if that development caters to wealthier populations. 5. **Regulatory Challenges**: Historical preservation laws and regulations can make it challenging for developers to make changes or new constructions in historic areas. This can lead to perceptions of developers as being insensitive to the significance of the sites they wish to modify. 6. **Short-Term Focus**: Critics often argue that developers prioritize short-term profit over long-term community value and sustainability, leading to a perceived disregard for the importance of preserving historical sites. Overall, the clash between development and preservation reflects broader societal conversations about growth, heritage, community, and identity in urban environments. Developers often need to navigate these complex issues carefully to gain community support while fulfilling their objectives.