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why did a female urologist touch male genitals without gloves?

Medical professionals, including urologists, are trained to adhere to strict hygiene and safety protocols, which typically include wearing gloves during examinations involving sensitive areas, such as the genitals. If a urologist were to touch a patient's genitals without gloves, it could be for a few reasons: 1. **Miscommunication or oversight**: It could have been an unintentional oversight where the doctor forgot to put on gloves. 2. **Type of examination**: In some cases, certain types of examinations might permit or require direct skin contact without gloves—though this is quite rare and would typically still involve high levels of professionalism and consideration. 3. **Patient preference**: Sometimes, a patient may request a specific approach, though hygiene practices are still paramount. 4. **Cultural or Traditional Practices**: In some cultures or practices, there may be less emphasis on glove use in certain non-invasive examinations. Regardless of the reason, it’s important for all medical practitioners to follow the best practices for hygiene to protect both themselves and their patients. If there are concerns about professional conduct or hygiene practices during medical examinations, it’s advisable to discuss those directly with the healthcare provider or seek a second opinion.