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which software application published by Synopsys & Simpleware has a module/feature called actelmsimvhdl? What is actelmsimvhdl?

The software application published by Synopsys and Simpleware that includes a module/feature called **actelmsimvhdl** is **Simpleware ScanIP**. This software is primarily used for converting 3D image data, such as CT or MRI scans, into high-quality models that can be used for simulation and analysis in engineering applications. **actelmsimvhdl** is a module within the Simpleware software that allows users to generate and simulate VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) code for ModelSim, which is a popular simulation tool used for verifying digital designs. This feature helps in creating a VHDL representation of the geometries or structures created in Simpleware, facilitating the integration between 3D modeling and hardware design processes. By using this module, engineers can simulate the performance of their designs in a VHDL environment, ensuring that the hardware implementation meets the required specifications.