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Which risks are more likely to be overlooked if we don't take an engagement lifecycle view versus a project view?

When focusing solely on a project view rather than an engagement lifecycle view, several risks can be overlooked. Here are some risks more likely to be ignored: 1. **Stakeholder Misalignment**: A project view may overlook the broader engagement with stakeholders over time, which can lead to misalignment in expectations and objectives. Ongoing stakeholder engagement is crucial to ensure that the project continues to meet their needs. 2. **Change Management**: Projects often focus on delivering outputs rather than managing the change that comes with them. Without considering the entire lifecycle, the risks associated with user adoption and resistance to change can be underestimated. 3. **Sustainability of Outcomes**: A project view may concentrate on immediate deliverables, neglecting the long-term sustainability and impact of the project outcomes after completion. This includes considering whether the created solutions will continue to be effective and relevant. 4. **Knowledge Transfer**: The risks associated with the loss of knowledge over time can be overlooked. An engagement lifecycle view encourages continuous documentation and training, while a project view may treat knowledge transfer as a one-time activity. 5. **Cumulative Impact of Changes**: Projects often involve multiple phases and iterations. An engagement lifecycle perspective helps assess the cumulative impact of changes over time, identifying risks that may arise from previous decisions or adjustments. 6. **Feedback Loop**: In a project-centric view, the focus is often on delivery rather than continuous improvement. Engaging stakeholders throughout the lifecycle fosters a feedback loop that can help identify risks early and adjust strategies accordingly. 7. **Reputation and Relationship Risks**: Short-term projects may overlook the importance of maintaining relationships and reputation management over time. Ongoing engagement helps mitigate risks related to trust, credibility, and partnership dynamics. 8. **Resource Allocation Over Time**: Projects often focus on immediate resource requirements, neglecting how ongoing resources will be managed and allocated throughout the lifecycle, which can lead to resource constraints later. 9. **Regulatory and Compliance Risks**: Regulatory changes can happen over time. A project view may not account for evolving compliance requirements that can impact the project's success or lead to fines and penalties. 10. **Exit Strategies and Transition Planning**: A project view may not consider how to effectively transition out of a project phase. This includes planning for handover, succession, and ongoing support. Embracing an engagement lifecycle perspective allows for a more comprehensive understanding of risks, leading to better decision-making and enhanced project success.