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When was the term 6 million jews originate

The term "6 million Jews" refers to the estimated number of Jewish people who were murdered during the Holocaust. While it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when this specific figure was first used in the context of the Holocaust, the number "six million" itself has been used in various contexts related to Jewish suffering and persecution long before the Holocaust. The earliest references to "six million" can be traced back to the early 20th century. For example, various Jewish organizations and leaders used the figure in speeches and articles to highlight the precarious condition of Jews in Eastern Europe before World War II. However, the term came to prominence during and after the Holocaust, particularly in the years following World War II as efforts to document and memorialize the atrocities of the Holocaust were undertaken. Throughout the war and in its aftermath, the figure of six million became a central statistic used to represent the scale of the Jewish tragedy and has since become a symbol of the Holocaust itself.