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What where the German election results of 1933

The German federal election held on March 5, 1933, was a pivotal moment in the country's history, as it came just months after Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. In this election, the Nazi Party (NSDAP) gained significant ground, achieving a plurality of votes. Here are the key results: - **Nazi Party (NSDAP)**: 43.9% of the vote, winning 288 seats in the Reichstag. - **Social Democratic Party (SPD)**: 18.25% of the vote, winning 120 seats. - **Communist Party of Germany (KPD)**: 12.3% of the vote, winning 81 seats. - **Centre Party (Zentrum)**: 11.2% of the vote, winning 73 seats. - **German National People's Party (DNVP)**: 8.0% of the vote, winning 52 seats. - Other smaller parties and independents made up the remaining votes and seats. The election results solidified the Nazis' hold on power and laid the groundwork for the establishment of a totalitarian regime. After the election, the Nazis moved quickly to eliminate political opposition and consolidate their power, leading to the establishment of a dictatorship in Germany.