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What is authoritarian parenting

Authoritarian parenting is a strict and hierarchical style of child-rearing characterized by high demands and low responsiveness. Parents who adopt this style often have high expectations for their children and enforce rules with little room for flexibility or open discussion. Key features of authoritarian parenting include: 1. **Strict Rules and Expectations**: Parents set rigid rules and expect their children to adhere to them without question. Deviations from these rules are often met with punishment. 2. **Lack of Warmth and Nurturance**: Authoritarian parents typically prioritize obedience and discipline over emotional support and warmth. They may be less affectionate and less attuned to their child's emotional needs. 3. **Limited Autonomy**: Children raised in authoritarian households often have little opportunity to make decisions for themselves, leading to a lack of independence and self-efficacy. 4. **Emphasis on Obedience**: There is a strong focus on obedience and respect for authority. Children are taught to follow rules strictly and may face consequences for questioning or challenging those rules. 5. **Low Communication**: Authoritarian parents tend to have one-way communication, providing directives rather than engaging in discussions with their children about choices and feelings. Research suggests that children raised in authoritarian households may be less happy, have poorer social skills, and experience higher levels of anxiety and depression. They may also struggle with self-esteem and have difficulties with decision-making. In contrast, other parenting styles, such as authoritative, permissive, or neglectful, have different levels of responsiveness and demands, leading to varied outcomes in children's development.