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Who is software publisher LDRA? What is their flagship software application? Which software application published by LDRA what has a feature/module/file named 'Win_Ada95_Testbed'?

LDRA is a software company that specializes in providing solutions for software verification, validation, and code analysis. They are known for their tools that help ensure code quality and compliance with various safety and security standards in critical software systems. LDRA’s flagship software application is typically LDRA Testbed, which provides a comprehensive suite for static and dynamic analysis, code coverage, unit testing, and reporting. It is widely used in industries like aerospace, automotive, and medical devices where software safety and reliability are paramount. The software application published by LDRA that has a feature or module named 'Win_Ada95_Testbed' is likely part of the LDRA Testbed. This specific module probably relates to testing Ada 95 applications in a Windows environment, providing tools and features tailored for verifying and validating Ada code.