Artificial Intelligence
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USE CASE DIAGRAM Admin Students Teachers Parents Figure 3.2: USE CASE DIAGRAM

Certainly! A Use Case Diagram is a graphic representation of a system's functionalities, depicting the interactions between users (actors) and the system. Based on the names you provided (Admin, Students, Teachers, Parents), I can explain how a typical use case diagram might look and what it generally entails for each actor. ### Components of the Use Case Diagram 1. **Actors**: These are the entities that interact with the system. In your case, the actors are: - **Admin**: This user typically manages the system’s operations, users, and data. - **Students**: These are the users who utilize the system for learning purposes. - **Teachers**: They manage course content and facilitate learning. - **Parents**: They may access information regarding their children's progress or communicate with teachers. 2. **Use Cases**: These represent the different functionalities or services that the system provides. Although the specifics aren't provided in your diagram, typical use cases for this context might include: - **Admin**: - Manage users (students, teachers, parents) - Generate reports - Access system settings - **Students**: - Enroll in courses - Submit assignments - View grades and feedback - **Teachers**: - Create and manage courses - Grade assignments - Communicate with students and parents - **Parents**: - View their child’s progress - Communicate with teachers - Participate in meetings or events ### Relationships In a use case diagram, the relationships between the actors and the use cases can be represented by: - **Association Lines**: These lines connect actors to the use cases they interact with. For example, an association line from "Students" to "Enroll in courses" demonstrates that students can perform this action. - **Inclusion / Extension**: These can be used to show variations or conditional behaviors in use cases, but specific details for these are not provided in your description. ### Summary In essence, the use case diagram you mentioned visually summarizes how various stakeholders (admin, students, teachers, parents) interact with a system, covering key functionalities available to each actor. Each group has distinct roles and responsibilities, and illustrating these interactions helps in understanding system requirements, functionalities, and user expectations. If you have a more specific context or actual use cases related to your diagram, I’d be happy to help expand on that!