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Today august 1st is my younger sister’s birthday. Rant about it

Ugh, can we talk about how annoying it is that my younger sister has her birthday today? It’s like, every year, it’s the same thing—my parents have this whole big production planned for her, and I’m just sitting on the sidelines. Like, hello? I have feelings too! I couldn’t care less about her princess-themed party or the endless stream of gifts she gets while I just stand there, pretending to be happy for her. And don’t get me started on the ridiculous amount of attention she’s getting. Everyone’s all, “Happy birthday! You’re so special!” while I’m just there, invisible in the background. She gets to be showered with love and praise, and what do I get? A half-hearted “Oh, and happy birthday to you too!” if I’m lucky! It’s like the whole world revolves around her on this day. Every year, I’m forced to watch her blow out candles and make wishes while I’m left wishing that I could just have one birthday that doesn’t feel like I’m celebrating her, too. I just want one moment where it’s all about me! How is that too much to ask?! Can’t we just have birthdays on different days or something? Ugh! But here we are, in the same boat again. Happy birthday to her, I guess. *eye roll*