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The sea of tranquility on the moon remains of the kingdom

The Sea of Tranquility, or "Mare Tranquillitatis," is one of the most well-known lunar maria, a vast basalt plain on the Moon's surface. It's famous for being the landing site of Apollo 11, where humans first set foot on the Moon in 1969. The phrase "remains of the kingdom" is a bit ambiguous. If you're referring to the idea that the Sea of Tranquility holds historical or symbolic significance—perhaps akin to the remains of a once-mighty kingdom—the Moon indeed serves as a reminder of humanity's exploration and ambitions. The Sea of Tranquility, as a part of the Moon's landscape, can also evoke thoughts about the vastness of space and the remnants of human endeavors in exploration and scientific discovery. If you have a specific context or direction in mind regarding "remains of the kingdom," please share, and I’d be happy to elaborate further!