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The delivery conditions of the piping materials for hydrogen must be strictly adhered to according to the Storengy specification, specifically S-SG-TU-0725. It is crucial that these specifications are followed meticulously to ensure the safety, integrity,

يجب الالتزام بشروط تسليم مواد الأنابيب المخصصة للهيدروجين بدقة وفقًا لمواصفة ستورينجي، تحديدًا S-SG-TU-0725. من الضروري أن يتم اتباع هذه المواصفات بدقة لضمان السلامة والنزاهة وكفاءة أنظمة الأنابيب المستخدمة في تطبيقات الهيدروجين. إن الالتزام بهذه الإرشادات لا يفي فقط بالمعايير الصناعية، ولكنه يساهم أيضًا في موثوقية وأداء البنية التحتية المصممة للتعامل مع الهيدروجين بأمان. سيساعد الالتزام بـ S-SG-TU-0725 في تقليل المخاطر وتعزيز النجاح التشغيلي في مشاريع نقل وتخزين الهيدروجين. Update (2024-09-17): The delivery conditions for piping materials intended for hydrogen applications must be strictly adhered to according to the Storengy specification, particularly the guidance detailed in S-SG-TU-0725. It is essential to follow these specifications meticulously to ensure the safety, integrity, and efficiency of the piping systems used for hydrogen. Compliance with these guidelines not only meets industry standards but also enhances the overall reliability and performance of the infrastructure designed to safely handle hydrogen. Update (2024-09-17): Adherence to the delivery conditions for piping materials intended for hydrogen use, as outlined in the Storengy specification (S-SG-TU-0725), is imperative. Strict compliance with these specifications is essential to ensure the safety, integrity, and operational efficiency of the piping systems employed in hydrogen applications. Following these guidelines not only aligns with industry standards but also enhances the overall reliability and performance of the infrastructure designed for the safe handling of hydrogen. Update (2024-09-17): Adherence to the delivery conditions for piping materials used in hydrogen applications is paramount, as specified in the Storengy guidelines, particularly S-SG-TU-0725. Strict compliance with these specifications is essential to ensure the safety, integrity, and operational efficiency of the piping systems involved. By following these guidelines meticulously, we not only uphold industry standards but also enhance the overall reliability and performance of the infrastructure designed to manage hydrogen safely.