Artificial Intelligence
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The animals represented in the accompanying images are classified in a food chain as … (Wikimedia) a. primary consumers b. detritivores c. tertiary consumers d. decomposers e. secondary consumers

To accurately classify the animals represented in the images, I would need to know which specific animals they are, as the classification depends on their role in the food chain. Here’s a brief explanation for each classification: a. **Primary consumers** - These are typically herbivores that eat producers (plants). b. **Detritivores** - These organisms consume dead organic matter and help in decomposition. c. **Tertiary consumers** - These are carnivores that eat secondary consumers. d. **Decomposers** - Organisms like fungi and bacteria that break down dead organic materials. e. **Secondary consumers** - These are carnivores or omnivores that eat primary consumers. If you can tell me which animals are represented in the images, I can help you identify their classification in the food chain.