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summarize the key points of the paper:Ryo, E. 2013. "Deciding to cross, norms and economics of unauthorized migration." American Sociological Review, 78(4), 574-603.

In the paper "Deciding to Cross: Norms and Economics of Unauthorized Migration" by Emiko Ryo, the author examines the factors influencing individuals' decisions to migrate without authorization. Key points of the paper include: 1. **Framework of Decision-Making**: Ryo proposes a framework that combines economic factors with social norms, arguing that both play critical roles in the decision-making process for unauthorized migration. 2. **Economic Considerations**: The paper outlines how economic opportunities, such as higher wages and better living conditions in the destination country, serve as significant pull factors for migrants. Economic constraints in their home countries also drive individuals toward unauthorized migration. 3. **Social Norms**: Ryo emphasizes the importance of social norms and networks in the migration process. The influence of family, friends, and community expectations can shape individuals' decisions, making the choice to migrate a socially embedded act. 4. **Interplay Between Norms and Economics**: The author highlights the interplay between social norms and economic factors, suggesting that when economic incentives align with the social expectations of migration, individuals are more likely to decide to cross borders. 5. **Consequences of Unauthorized Migration**: The paper also discusses the implications of unauthorized migration, including the challenges faced by migrants and the social dynamics within their communities, shaping broader sociopolitical contexts. 6. **Empirical Evidence**: Ryo supports her arguments with empirical evidence gathered from interviews and observations, providing a nuanced understanding of the motivations behind unauthorized migration. By integrating economic rationale with social dynamics, Ryo offers a comprehensive view of the circumstances under which individuals choose to undertake unauthorized migration.