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summarize the key points of the paper:Liang, Zai. 2016. "China's Great Migration and the Prospects of a More Integrated Society." Annual Review of Sociology 42(1):451-71.

In "China's Great Migration and the Prospects of a More Integrated Society," Zai Liang examines the massive internal migration trends in China, particularly the movement of rural individuals to urban areas in pursuit of economic opportunities. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Scale of Migration**: The paper highlights the unprecedented scale of migration in China, with hundreds of millions of people leaving rural areas for cities. This migration has significant implications for social structure and economic development. 2. **Economic Drivers**: Liang discusses the economic factors driving this migration, including rural poverty and the search for better job prospects in urban centers. He emphasizes the role of the urbanization policy in facilitating this movement. 3. **Social Integration Challenges**: The paper outlines the challenges faced by migrants in urban areas, including social exclusion, discrimination, and limited access to services like education and healthcare. These challenges hinder the integration of migrants into urban society. 4. **Policy Responses**: Liang reviews various policy measures implemented by the Chinese government aimed at addressing the social integration of migrants, such as reforms in the household registration (hukou) system and efforts to improve access to social services for migrants. 5. **Cultural and Social Dynamics**: The study also delves into the cultural impacts of migration, exploring how the influx of rural migrants changes urban social dynamics and challenges existing social norms. 6. **Future Prospects**: The author discusses the prospects for a more integrated society in the context of ongoing migration, suggesting that greater social integration will require continued policy innovation and a commitment to addressing the structural barriers that migrants face. Overall, Liang’s paper provides a comprehensive overview of China's internal migration phenomena, the socio-economic implications, and the potential for a more inclusive society amidst significant demographic shifts.