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summarize the key points of the paper:Kim Ebert and Dina Okamoto, 2015. "Legitimating Contexts, Immigrant Protests, and Exclusionary Actions," Social Problems 62(1):40-67. 2015.

The paper by Kim Ebert and Dina Okamoto, titled "Legitimating Contexts, Immigrant Protests, and Exclusionary Actions," examines the dynamics between immigrant protests and the societal contexts that influence their legitimacy. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Legitimating Contexts**: The authors introduce the concept of "legitimating contexts," which refer to the social, political, and economic conditions that shape the perception of immigrant actions, particularly protests. These contexts can either support or undermine the legitimacy of immigrant voices and grievances. 2. **Immigrant Protests**: Ebert and Okamoto analyze different instances of immigrant protests and how they reflect the broader struggles for rights and recognition. They argue that these protests are often shaped by the external legitimating contexts within which they occur, affecting both the responses of the public and authorities. 3. **Exclusionary Actions**: The paper discusses how exclusionary actions, such as policies and attitudes directed against immigrants, are influenced by these legitimating contexts. This makes immigrants vulnerable to marginalization and discrimination, especially during periods when negative sentiments toward immigrants are prevalent. 4. **Empirical Analysis**: The authors provide an empirical analysis of specific case studies to highlight how various factors, including economic conditions and political rhetoric, impact the degree of support or opposition that immigrant protests encounter. 5. **The Role of Social Movements**: Ebert and Okamoto highlight the role of social movements in framing immigrant protests in a way that can either enhance their legitimacy or lead to further exclusionary actions. They emphasize the importance of coalition-building and strategic communication to foster a supportive environment for immigrant rights. 6. **Implications for Policy and Advocacy**: The findings of the study suggest that understanding the legitimating contexts is crucial for policymakers and advocates working with immigrant communities. By addressing these contexts, stakeholders can better support immigrant movements and work against exclusionary practices. Overall, the paper sheds light on the complex interplay between societal contexts, immigrant activism, and the mechanisms of exclusion, offering insights for understanding and improving immigrant rights advocacy.