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summarize the key points of the paper:*Jimenez, Tomas R. and Adam L. Horowitz. 2013. "When White is Just Alright: How Immigrants Redefine Achievement and Reconfigure the Ethnoracial Hierarchy." American Sociological Review, 78(5): 849-871

In "When White is Just Alright: How Immigrants Redefine Achievement and Reconfigure the Ethnoracial Hierarchy," Jimenez and Horowitz explore the dynamics of achievement and social status as shaped by immigrant populations in the United States. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Redefining Achievement**: The authors argue that immigrants often challenge and redefine traditional notions of achievement, which have historically been dominated by a Eurocentric perspective. They propose that immigrants bring diverse experiences and values that influence their understanding of success. 2. **Ethnoracial Hierarchy**: The paper examines how the presence of immigrants can alter the existing ethnoracial hierarchy, particularly in how different racial and ethnic groups view themselves and each other. Immigrants may shift the perceptions of "whiteness" and privilege, making it less central to notions of success. 3. **Cultural Capital**: Jimenez and Horowitz discuss how different forms of cultural capital—such as language proficiency, education, and social networks—play a crucial role in how immigrants navigate their social environments and achieve success. 4. **Intergroup Relations**: The authors highlight the importance of intergroup relations and how immigrants may create new alliances or tensions among various racial and ethnic groups, impacting social cohesion and competition for resources. 5. **Implications for Policy and Society**: The reconfiguration of achievement and the ethnoracial hierarchy have significant implications for social policy, identity formation, and how society views different cultural contributions. Overall, the paper presents a nuanced understanding of how immigrant perspectives can reshape dominant cultural narratives around success and identity, challenging existing social structures and promoting a more pluralistic view of achievement.