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summarize the key points of the paper:Flippen, Chenoa. 2013. "Relative deprivation and internal migration in the United States: A comparison of black and white men." American Journal of Sociology 118(5).

In her 2013 paper, "Relative deprivation and internal migration in the United States: A comparison of black and white men," Chenoa Flippen explores how perceptions of relative deprivation influence the internal migration patterns of Black and White men in the U.S. The key points of the paper include: 1. **Conceptual Framework**: Flippen utilizes the concept of relative deprivation—people's feelings of discontent when they perceive themselves as worse off compared to others—to understand migration behaviors. 2. **Demographic Comparison**: The study focuses on differences in migration patterns between Black and White men, emphasizing how social and economic factors influence these decisions. 3. **Empirical Analysis**: The paper employs data analysis to examine migration patterns, looking particularly at how economic conditions, education, and perceived inequalities drive the decisions to move. 4. **Findings on Migration Drivers**: The results indicate that relative deprivation significantly impacts migration intentions, with variations observed between Black and White men which highlight the influence of systemic inequalities and socio-economic contexts. 5. **Policy Implications**: The findings suggest that understanding the motivations behind migration can inform policies aimed at addressing disparities and improving economic opportunities in different regions. Overall, Flippen's research emphasizes the role of social perceptions and inequalities in shaping migration behaviors in the U.S. context.