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summarize the key points of the paper:FitzGerald, David and Rawan Arar.2018."The Sociology of Refugee Migration. " Annual Review of Sociology 44.

In their 2018 paper "The Sociology of Refugee Migration," David FitzGerald and Rawan Arar explore the intersection of sociology with the study of refugee movements. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Understanding Refugees**: The authors emphasize the importance of distinguishing between refugees and other types of migrants. They analyze the specific contexts and experiences that define refugee migration, including legal, social, and political dimensions. 2. **Historical Context**: The paper provides a historical overview of refugee migration, highlighting how sociological frameworks have evolved to understand these movements over time. 3. **Structural Factors**: FitzGerald and Arar discuss the structural factors that contribute to refugee migration, such as geopolitical conflicts, economic instability, and environmental changes, which compel individuals to seek asylum. 4. **Social Networks**: The role of social networks is examined, detailing how pre-existing connections influence the pathways and experiences of refugees, affecting their integration and settlement in host countries. 5. **Policy Implications**: The authors critique current policies regarding refugee admission and resettlement, arguing that sociological insights can inform more effective and humane approaches to managing refugee flows. 6. **Future Directions**: The paper calls for more interdisciplinary research that combines sociological insights with other fields to better understand the complexities of refugee migration and its effects on both refugees and host societies. Overall, the authors advocate for a greater emphasis on the sociological perspectives in understanding and addressing refugee migration challenges.