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summarize the key points of the paper:Bommes, Michael and Andrew Geddes. 2003. "Introduction: Immigration and the Welfare State." Pp. 1-12 in Immigration and Welfare: Challenging the Borders of the Welfare State. New York: Routledge.

In the introduction to "Immigration and Welfare: Challenging the Borders of the Welfare State," authors Michael Bommes and Andrew Geddes outline the complex relationship between immigration and welfare systems. Here are the key points from the first twelve pages of the paper: 1. **Welfare State Definition**: The authors define the welfare state as a system that provides various social services and benefits to its citizens, aimed at ensuring a minimum standard of living and promoting social security. 2. **Immigration Trends**: They discuss recent trends in immigration, emphasizing how these patterns challenge traditional concepts of citizenship and belonging within the welfare state framework. 3. **Integration of Immigrants**: Bommes and Geddes highlight the importance of integrating immigrants into the welfare system, noting that this integration raises questions about who is entitled to welfare benefits and under what conditions. 4. **Debates on Impact**: The introduction places emphasis on ongoing debates surrounding the economic and social impacts of immigration on welfare systems, including concerns about potential strains on resources and public opposition to immigrant benefits. 5. **Policy Responses**: The authors address various policy responses to immigration within welfare states, including restrictive measures aimed at immigrants and initiatives intended to support their inclusion. 6. **Theoretical Frameworks**: They suggest that understanding the interplay between immigration and the welfare state requires interdisciplinary approaches, incorporating insights from sociology, political science, and economics. 7. **Future Research Directions**: Bommes and Geddes call for further research into the dynamics between immigration and welfare, particularly focusing on how policies evolve in response to changing demographics and public attitudes. In summary, the introduction sets the stage for exploring the multifaceted relationship between immigration and welfare, framing it as a critical area of inquiry that poses significant questions for policy and society.