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summarize the key points of the paper:Bloemraad I, de Graauw E, Gleeson S. 2020. Immigrant organizations: civic voice, civic (in)equality, and civic (in)visibility. In The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, ed. WW Powell, P Bromley, pp. 292–313. Stanf

The paper "Immigrant organizations: civic voice, civic (in)equality, and civic (in)visibility" by Bloemraad, de Graauw, and Gleeson discusses the roles and impacts of immigrant organizations within the civic landscape. Here are the key points summarized: 1. **Civic Voice**: Immigrant organizations serve as critical platforms for marginalized communities to express their needs, challenges, and aspirations, thus amplifying their voices in public discourse. 2. **Civic (In)equality**: The paper explores how immigrant organizations can both challenge and perpetuate civic inequalities. It examines the barriers immigrants face in participating fully in civic life and how these organizations can help navigate these challenges. 3. **Civic (In)visibility**: The authors analyze the visibility of immigrant organizations within the broader nonprofit sector and their effectiveness in representing immigrant voices. They emphasize the importance of recognition and support for these organizations by mainstream civic institutions. 4. **Case Studies**: The paper includes case studies illustrating how different immigrant organizations operate and the diverse strategies they employ to engage with civic issues, highlighting the variety of roles they play. 5. **Policy Implications**: The authors stress the need for policies that foster the integration and visibility of immigrant organizations in civic life to enhance democracy and social cohesion. Overall, the paper presents a comprehensive overview of the significance and challenges of immigrant organizations in contributing to civic engagement and addressing inequalities within society.