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summarize the key points of the paper:Bloemraad I. 2007. Unity in diversity? Bridging models of multiculturalism and immigrant integration. Du Bois Rev. 4(2):317–36

In the paper "Unity in Diversity? Bridging Models of Multiculturalism and Immigrant Integration" by Irene Bloemraad, the author explores the complex relationship between multiculturalism and the integration of immigrants into society. Here are the key points: 1. **Conceptual Framework**: The paper reviews various models of multiculturalism and immigrant integration, examining how these frameworks can inform one another. Bloemraad suggests that understanding these models in tandem can help address the challenges of diversity in society. 2. **Multiculturalism vs. Integration**: The author discusses the tension between multiculturalism, which emphasizes the preservation of cultural differences, and integration, which focuses on the inclusion of immigrants into the dominant culture. The distinction between these approaches and their implications for policy is a central theme. 3. **Policy Implications**: The paper highlights how different countries adopt varying approaches to multiculturalism and immigration, affecting the experiences of immigrants. Bloemraad argues for policies that promote both unity and diversity, suggesting that successful integration requires recognition and respect for cultural differences. 4. **Social Cohesion**: The author points out the importance of social cohesion in multicultural societies. Effective integration strategies are presented as essential for fostering social ties and bridging divides between different cultural groups. 5. **Empirical Evidence**: The article draws on empirical examples from different countries to illustrate how multicultural policies and integration strategies operate in practice. This evidence supports the argument for more nuanced frameworks that accommodate diversity while promoting integration. 6. **Conclusion**: Bloemraad calls for a reevaluation of the binary opposition between multiculturalism and integration, advocating for a more holistic approach that acknowledges the realities of immigrant experiences and the benefits of diversity in fostering a cohesive society. Overall, the paper emphasizes the need for coherent policies that embrace both multiculturalism and integration to create a more inclusive society.