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summarize the key points of the paper:Bloemraad I. 2005. The limits of de Tocqueville: how government facilitates organisational capacity in newcomer communities. J. Ethn. Migr. Stud. 31(5):865–87

In the paper "The limits of de Tocqueville: how government facilitates organisational capacity in newcomer communities," author Irene Bloemraad explores the role of government in shaping the organizational capacity of immigrant communities. Here are the key points from the paper: 1. **Critique of de Tocqueville's Argument**: Bloemraad challenges Alexis de Tocqueville's notion that civil society organizations arise primarily from voluntary actions within communities. Instead, she argues that government policies play a critical role in facilitating the development of these organizations. 2. **Government's Role**: The paper highlights how government can provide resources, create an enabling environment, and foster collaboration among immigrant groups. Policies may affect the ability of these communities to mobilize, engage, and establish themselves effectively. 3. **Organizational Capacity**: Bloemraad defines organizational capacity as the ability of communities to create and sustain organizations that serve their interests. This includes factors such as access to funding, legal support, and training. 4. **Newcomer Communities**: The focus is on newcomer immigrant communities, which often face specific challenges in establishing their organizational presence and capacity. Government support is crucial for these groups to thrive and contribute to society. 5. **Case Studies**: The paper includes empirical evidence from various immigrant communities that illustrates how different governmental approaches can lead to varying levels of organizational capacity and community engagement. 6. **Policy Implications**: Bloemraad argues for the importance of inclusive policies that recognize the needs of newcomer communities. Effective government intervention can facilitate greater participation in civil society and enhance the integration of immigrants. 7. **Conclusion**: The paper concludes that to truly understand the dynamics of immigrant communities, it is essential to consider the role of government alongside traditional notions of civic engagement and organizational development. Overall, Bloemraad's work emphasizes the necessity of government involvement in fostering the organizational capacities of newcomer communities, countering traditional views that attribute such development purely to voluntary civic action.