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summarize the key points of the paper:Baas, Michie1. 2007. "The Language of Migration: The Education Industry Versus the Migration Industry." People and Place 15(2):49-60.

In "The Language of Migration: The Education Industry Versus the Migration Industry," Baas explores the interplay between education and migration, highlighting how both industries shape and are shaped by migration policies and practices. Key points from the paper include: 1. **Definition of Industries**: Baas delineates the education industry, which focuses on providing knowledge and skills to individuals, from the migration industry, which encompasses the processes and regulations associated with the movement of people across borders. 2. **Mutual Influence**: The paper underscores how these two industries influence each other, suggesting that educational institutions often serve as gateways for migration, while migration patterns can impact educational trends and demands. 3. **Language and Framing**: Baas discusses the terminology and framing used within both industries, noting that the language surrounding migration can affect public perception and policy decisions. The way migration is portrayed can either facilitate or hinder the movement of students and professionals. 4. **Policy Implications**: The paper examines the implications of migration policies on educational access and quality, as well as the potential exploitation and commodification of education in the context of migration. 5. **Globalization Context**: The intersection of these industries is situated within the broader context of globalization, which affects the flow of students and workers across borders, leading to a more interconnected world. 6. **Recommendations for Improvement**: Baas suggests that better integration between the education and migration sectors could lead to more effective policies that benefit both migrants and host countries. Overall, the paper calls for a critical examination of how migration and education intersect, encouraging a more nuanced understanding of their relationship within global contexts.