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summarize the key points of the paper: Allard, S. W., & Small, M. L. 2013. Reconsidering the urban disadvantaged: The role of systems, institutions, and organizations. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 647(1), 6-20.

In their paper, Allard and Small (2013) examine the complexities surrounding urban disadvantage, emphasizing the significance of systems, institutions, and organizations in shaping the experiences of disadvantaged populations. Here are the key points: 1. **Framework Shift**: The authors advocate for a shift away from individual-focused explanations of urban disadvantage to a more systemic approach that considers how broader institutional and organizational contexts contribute to persistent inequalities. 2. **Role of Institutions**: They highlight how institutions—such as the criminal justice system, education, and healthcare—interact with urban disadvantages. These institutions can reinforce or mitigate disparities, affecting access to resources and opportunities. 3. **Complex Interactions**: The paper details the intricate relationships between individuals and organizations within urban settings, proposing that understanding these dynamics is crucial for addressing disadvantage effectively. 4. **Policy Implications**: The authors argue that policymakers should consider the institutional frameworks and systems when designing interventions aimed at aiding urban disadvantaged communities, encouraging coordinated approaches that address the multifaceted nature of their challenges. 5. **Research Directions**: They call for further research into the interactions between individuals and institutional structures, encouraging a focus on how these relationships can be leveraged to improve outcomes for disadvantaged urban populations. Overall, Allard and Small push for a more nuanced understanding of urban disadvantage by integrating systems thinking and recognizing the powerful role that institutions and organizations play in shaping life chances.