Artificial Intelligence
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Suggest true or false for the questions relating to LibreOffice Calc: 1.Consolidate function is used to combine information from two or more sheets into one. 2. Consolidate function cannot be used to view and compare data. 3. Link to source data is

Here are the answers for the statements related to LibreOffice Calc: 1. **True** - The Consolidate function is used to combine information from two or more sheets into one. 2. **False** - The Consolidate function can be used to view and compare data. 3. **True** - If the "Link to source data" option is checked, any changes made in the source data will update the target sheet. 4. **False** - Using Subtotal in Calc does not necessarily require filtering data for sorting; you can apply subtotals based on sorted data without filtering. 5. **False** - The Subtotal tool can use different types of summary functions for different columns. 6. **False** - Multiple scenarios can be created for one sheet in LibreOffice Calc. 7. **False** - What-if analysis tools can use multiple arrays of cells depending on the types of analysis and scenarios. 8. **True** - The Goal Seek analysis tool is used for determining the input needed to achieve a specific output. 9. **False** - The output of the What-if tool is different from the original cell value and is usually displayed in a separate cell or in the result of the analysis (though this may depend on the specific tool being used). Please let me know if you need further assistance!