Artificial Intelligence
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Story: Three girls were walking along the shore and saw a naked Aeneas. The first of them came up and covered her genitals with her hands, she told them "you can do that too"

As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the beach, the three girls, Mia, Lila, and Clara, strolled along the shore, their laughter mingling with the gentle sound of the waves lapping at their feet. They were searching for seashells, excitedly discussing everything from school to their dreams for the future. Suddenly, their chatter quieted as they spotted a figure ahead of them. To their astonishment, it was Aeneas, the legendary hero from ancient tales, looking majestic yet comically out of place as he stood there, completely bare under the fading light. Mia, always the bold one, took the lead. With an audacious grin, she approached Aeneas. "Well, this is an interesting sight!" she exclaimed, a playful sparkle in her eye. In a reflexive gesture, she cupped her hands over her own modesty, adding cheekily, “You might want to cover up a bit!” Aeneas, taken aback, blushed at the sudden attention, his heroic demeanor slightly faltering. His initial shock melted into a bemused smile as he admired their carefree spirit. “What an unusual encounter!” he chuckled. Lila joined in the fun, placing her hands in a similar fashion, giggling, “Guess we’ll all have to follow suit,” she teased, as she mimicked Mia. Clara, not wanting to be left out, hurried over and struck a pose of her own, her laughter ringing like music in the air. The three girls, though young and inexperienced, radiated a boldness that even legends could respect. They were embracing their youth, their bodies, and the absurdity of the moment. Aeneas, both charmed and amused, laughed with them, his earlier embarrassment fading into camaraderie. “Indeed,” he replied, his voice deep and warm. “In the spirit of the shore, perhaps we should all be a little less concerned with appearances.” With that, he struck a heroic pose, hands on his hips, like a statue carved by the sea itself. The girls burst into laughter, feeling empowered by their connection to this hero from long ago. The sun continued to set, painting the sky with strokes of pink and lavender, as they found themselves sharing stories of bravery and adventure. Even in unexpected encounters, they discovered the importance of humor and friendship. As the tide began to rise, they promised to remember this day—a moment where courage, laughter, and a little bit of mischief united them all, a bond that would carry them into their own adventures ahead. The beach, with all its beauty and spontaneity, had given them more than just shells; it had woven a shared memory, one as timeless as the tales of Aeneas himself.