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Story: the priestess of the clan takes an oath by touching the genitals of a naked Zeus with her hands

Once upon a time in a land where myth and reality intertwined, there existed a secluded clan known for its devout worship of the ancient deities. Among them was a revered priestess, named Elara, whose beauty was matched only by her unwavering dedication to the gods. The women of the clan had upheld their traditions for generations, and Elara was to carry forward their legacy. One fateful day, as the full moon cast a silver glow upon the sacred grove, the clan gathered for a rite that had not been performed in centuries. They believed that to reaffirm their bond with Zeus, the king of the gods, a profound ceremony was required—a rite of passage that would renew their devotion and summon his protection. As the time approached, Elara donned her ceremonial robes, woven with symbols of thunder and lightning, the very motifs that illustrated Zeus’s power. With a heart both heavy and resolute, she led the clan to the sacred stone altar, where offerings had been placed—fruits, flowers, and the sweet incense of devotion. In the center of the grove stood a towering statue of Zeus, magnificently crafted, imbued with life-like quality that invited worshipers to approach. The elders spoke of an ancient legend: it was said that to truly invoke Zeus’s favor, the priestess must swear an oath of fidelity and service. This oath, solemn and serious, required a physical act of connection—an embrace of raw humanity. With trepidation, Elara stepped forward. The moment was heavy with anticipation as she approached the statue, illuminated by the glow of the moonlight. The air crackled with energy, and whispers of the ancestors echoed in her mind. In a gesture of reverence, Elara placed her hands upon the statue’s form, touching the areas that symbolized creation and power. It was an act of surrender, a recognition of the intertwined fates of mortals and gods. As her palms made contact, a surge of energy coursed through her—visions of the past, present, and future flooded her senses. With a voice strong and clear, she recited the sacred words: “O mighty Zeus, King of Olympus, I pledge my life to your service. May my hands and heart be guided by your wisdom, and may our clan be forever blessed by your thunderous grace.” As she completed her oath, the statue began to shimmer and pulse with divine light. The clan, witnesses to this powerful moment, could feel the presence of Zeus enveloping them. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees as if the mighty god himself was acknowledging Elara’s oath. From that day forward, the clan felt a renewed sense of purpose and strength. They upheld their traditions with fervor, and Elara, forever changed by her experience, guided her people with wisdom drawn from the very essence of the deity they revered. In the tapestry of their lives, the oath became a cornerstone of their beliefs and practices, reminding them of their connection to the divine and the sacred role of the priestess—the bridge between the mortal realm and the vast azure of the heavens above.