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Story: The priestess of Apollo in the garden saw a sleeping naked Apollo and covered his genitals with her hands

In the sacred garden, where sunlight spilled like gold through the leaves, the priestess of Apollo, named Calista, wandered amidst the fragrant blooms and gentle whispers of the breeze. She was charged with tending to the sacred grove, a place where the divine and mortal realms intertwined. The air was thick with the sweet scent of lavender and the distant sound of a babbling brook. One fateful afternoon, as she nurtured the flowers and offered her prayers, she stumbled upon a hidden glade. There, amidst the lush greenery, lay the god Apollo, his golden hair cascading like sunlight over the soft earth. He was beautiful beyond words, draped in the serene stillness of sleep, his radiance illuminating the surrounding foliage. Calista's heart raced at the sight of him, for she had only heard tales of his beauty and grace. But her priestess's duty instilled in her a deep respect for the divine. She approached cautiously, her breath hitching in her throat as she felt the weight of her responsibility. As she neared him, she realized the sun's rays danced playfully around his form, casting gentle shadows over his nakedness. In that moment, instinct took over; driven by a blend of reverence and purity, she instinctively covered his form. She placed her hands over his genitals, a gesture both protective and chaste, as if to shield him from the world that could disrupt his tranquil rest. Awakening slowly, Apollo's golden eyes fluttered open, meeting Calista's astonished gaze. He smiled, a knowing glint in his eyes as he recognized her pure heart and unwavering devotion. "Fear not, dear priestess," he spoke, his voice warm and melodic, "Your intention is pure, and in your gentle touch, I feel the warmth of your sanctuary." Calista's pulse quickened, but she stood firm in her resolve. "Great Apollo, I serve you with all that I am. I only wished to protect your slumber." Apollo's smile widened, and he gracefully rose, the light around him shimmering like a halo. "Your spirit is commendable, Calista. It is not often that a mortal shows such genuine respect for the divine. You have my gratitude." In that moment, the boundaries of the divine and the mortal blurred. Apollo reached out, brushing his fingertips against her cheek, bestowing a blessing that coursed through her like a warm tide. Calista felt invigorated, as if the very essence of the sun seeped into her being, offering clarity and strength. "You have awakened my muse, and for that, I shall grant you a boon," Apollo declared. "Name your desire, and if it lies within reason, it shall be yours." With a heart brimming with hope and ambition, Calista considered her wish carefully. "Might I possess the gift of inspiration, that I may create art and beauty to honor you and the gods?" Apollo nodded, a spark of admiration lighting his features. "So be it, noble priestess. May the arts flow through you like the river of eternal creativity, and may you inspire others as you have inspired me." From that day forth, Calista became a renowned artist, her works reflecting the beauty and divinity she had encountered in the garden. The tale of her encounter with Apollo spread far and wide, reminding mortals of the delicate balance between reverence for the gods and the passion of human expression. And in the sacred garden, the spirit of Apollo continued to watch over her, a guardian of creativity and inspiration, forever entwined with the heart of the priestess who dared to protect his slumber.