Artificial Intelligence
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Story: Selena put her hand on the genitals of a naked sleeping Endymion

Selena had always been fascinated by the tale of Endymion, the shepherd boy who was blessed with eternal sleep by the moon goddess. As the silver moon hung high in the night sky, casting a serene glow over the landscape, Selena found herself drawn to the glade where Endymion rested. In this sacred space, surrounded by fragrant blossoms and soft grass, the young goddess approached the sleeping figure. He lay there, his features softened by the moonlight, exuding an aura of tranquil beauty. Selena wanted to understand the essence of the dreams he had, to connect with the simplicity and purity of his existence. As she knelt beside him, her heart raced with curiosity and admiration. She reached out, her fingers brushing against the coolness of his skin. It was a moment of pure innocence, a gentle exploration of a connection that transcended the physical. She felt a rush of emotions—compassion, wonder, and a deep sense of respect for the life that lay before her. Selena knew that their worlds were different, yet in that moment, under the watchful gaze of the stars, she felt an unbreakable bond forming between them. It was not merely a physical attraction; it was a yearning to understand his dreams and share in the magic of night. With a breath, she pulled back, recognizing the sanctity of his slumber and the importance of keeping the moment pure. She whispered soft words of admiration, a promise to protect his dreams while embracing the beauty of her divine power. In the stillness of the night, their souls danced beneath the moonlight, intertwining in a silent promise of connection, love, and respect. And though the world around them would continue to spin, in that glade, time stood still.