Artificial Intelligence
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Story: Selena in a white dress covered the genitals of the sleeping Endymion with her delicate hands

As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, casting a soft glow over the landscape, Selena stood over the sleeping form of Endymion. Draped in a flowing white dress that shimmered with the hues of early morning, she looked ethereal—a figure of grace and beauty amidst the stillness of nature. Endymion, the handsome shepherd, lay beneath a tree, his face relaxed in peaceful slumber. The world around them was awakening, but for a moment, time seemed to pause. As gentle as a whisper, Selena approached, her heart fluttering with a mixture of admiration and reverence. She had always felt a deep connection to him, as if threads of their fates were woven together by the tapestry of the stars. With delicate hands, she moved to cover him. The innocence of the moment wrapped them both in an aura of tranquility. As if guided by an instinctive understanding, she shielded him, not just from the cool morning air, but from the prying eyes of the world—a ritual of protection born from her love. In that instant, the soft rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds faded into the background. The world around them remained a dreamy blur, and all that existed was the bond between the moon goddess and the shepherd. They were caught in a timeless embrace, suspended between dreams and reality. Selena knew that her heart held a power beyond the celestial. She wished for Endymion to awaken, to see the world through her eyes, to understand the depth of her feelings. But for now, she cherished this intimate moment. She would stand vigil, a guardian of peace, allowing him to dream just a little longer. In her heart, she whispered silent promises, hoping that one day, he would understand the love that flourished in the hidden corners of their shared universe. As the sun rose higher, casting golden rays upon them, Selena knew that this was merely the beginning of their story—a tale woven with magic, dreams, and an enduring devotion that would transcend even the boundaries of time.