Artificial Intelligence
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Sipho would like to own a business through a franchise. How many of the following statements are not correct about a franchise? a. A franchisee grants a license to the franchise. b. A franchise pays the franchisee an initial fee. c. A franchisee train

To determine how many of the statements about a franchise are not correct, let's analyze each statement: a. **A franchisee grants a license to the franchise.** - **Incorrect.** It is the franchisor who grants the license to the franchisee. b. **A franchise pays the franchisee an initial fee.** - **Incorrect.** Typically, the franchisee pays the franchisor an initial fee to obtain the franchise rights. c. **A franchisee trains the franchisor.** - **Incorrect.** The franchisor typically trains the franchisee, not the other way around. d. **A franchisor allows creativity and innovation.** - **Partially correct.** While some franchisors may allow limited creativity within set parameters, most franchise systems require adherence to specific guidelines and standards. e. **A franchisee benefits from the franchise’s known brand.** - **Correct.** This is a primary reason many people choose to become franchisees. Now, counting the incorrect statements: - Statements a, b, and c are incorrect (3 incorrect statements). - Statement d is not entirely inaccurate but somewhat subjective; however, it's often not true in strict franchise agreements. - Statement e is correct. Considering the context of your question and whether we count d as incorrect based on the rigidity of franchise agreements, we might say there are 3 incorrect statements. So the answer would be **c. three**.