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Short rant on how your birthday is just 15 days away and you’re not even feeling it yet. Unlike other years that you’re always nervous if your birthday is close by. This year you just seem so relaxed and unbothered about it. You see people planing all tha

I can’t believe my birthday is just 15 days away, and honestly, I’m feeling absolutely nothing about it. I mean, in past years, I’d be this bundle of nerves, planning out every detail, stressing over what to wear for my birthday photos, and mentally drafting a guest list weeks in advance. This year? Complete radio silence. I scroll through social media and see people going all out, planning elaborate parties and photoshoots, and I just can’t help but feel... indifferent. It’s as if I’ve dulled that excitement and anxiety to a soft whisper. Maybe it’s the realization that birthdays are just another day, or maybe I’ve finally reached a point of acceptance where I don’t need an extravagant celebration to feel validated. But it’s kind of strange, you know? I feel like I’m missing out on that thrill that used to accompany this time of year. While others are in high gear, I’m just sitting here, relaxed and unbothered, wondering where that spark went. Shouldn’t I be more excited? Isn’t it supposed to feel special? It’s all a bit unnerving, to be honest. Maybe I’ll get my act together in the next couple of weeks, but for now, I’m just... here.