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Selena instinctively covered his reddened genitals of the sleeping Endymion with her hand. She kept her hands on his hips

as she admired the tranquil beauty of his face, the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept. The moonlight spilled into the room, casting a soft glow that highlighted his features. She felt a mix of tenderness and protectiveness surge within her, knowing that this moment was fleeting. Endymion stirred slightly, his brows furrowing before he settled back into his dream. Selena couldn’t help but smile at the way he looked, so peaceful and serene. She rested her head against his shoulder, feeling a connection that transcended the physical. Taking a moment to breathe deeply, she felt the warmth of his skin and the soft rhythm of his breathing. This intimacy was both exhilarating and a little intimidating. Would he remember this when he woke? Would he feel the bond that was forming between them, as palpable as the moonlight that surrounded them? In this delicate moment, Selena resolved to cherish their time together, no matter how fleeting it might be. She leaned in closer, whispering a promise to him that only the moon could hear, hoping that he would someday understand the depth of her feelings.