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where can i find an easy to use, free, unrestricted web crawler so i can get data for my LLM

If you're looking for easy-to-use, free, unrestricted web crawlers to gather data for training a language model, here are some options you can consider: 1. **Scrapy**: Scrapy is an open-source and highly extensible web crawling framework for Python. It’s designed for web scraping and can handle everything from simple to complex crawling tasks. - **Website**: [Scrapy]( - **Installation**: You can install it via pip: `pip install Scrapy`. 2. **Beautiful Soup**: While not a web crawler per se, Beautiful Soup is a Python library that makes it easy to scrape information from web pages. You can pair it with requests or urllib to download the web pages first. - **Website**: [Beautiful Soup]( - **Installation**: You can install it via pip: `pip install beautifulsoup4`. 3. **Apache Nutch**: Nutch is an open-source web crawler that is highly extensible and can be used to crawl and index web content. It can also be integrated with Apache Hadoop for large-scale data processing. - **Website**: [Apache Nutch]( 4. **Gumbo Parser**: Gumbo is an HTML5 parsing library. You can use it along with requests to scrape data from web pages. - **Website**: [Gumbo]( 5. **WebHarvy**: This is a point-and-click web scraping software that offers a free trial. It's user-friendly and doesn't require coding to extract data. - **Website**: [WebHarvy]( 6. **ParseHub**: ParseHub is a free web scraping tool that offers a visual interface. You can create extraction rules without coding. It also comes with a desktop application. - **Website**: [ParseHub]( ### Important Note When using web crawlers, make sure to comply with the `robots.txt` file of the websites you are crawling. This file indicates which parts of a site you are allowed to scrape. Additionally, adhere to legal considerations and ethical guidelines related to data scraping and usage. ### Additional Resources - **Common Crawl**: Not a crawler, but a repository of web crawls that is freely available. You may find it useful for training data. - **Website**: [Common Crawl]( Choose the tool that fits your needs based on your technical skills and the complexity of the task!