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RETURN DEMONSTRATION SKILLS: APPLYING STERILE GLOVES AND GOWN VIA CLOSED METHOD Reflection Guide: 1. What seemed to be the most important experience you learned in the nursing skill/procedure? 2. What was your role in the learning process? Describ

### Reflection Guide 1. **Most Important Experience Learned:** The most important experience I learned during the procedure of applying sterile gloves and gown via the closed method was the significance of maintaining a sterile environment to prevent infection. Understanding the complexities of aseptic technique highlighted how critical it is for patient safety, especially in controlled settings like operating rooms or during procedures that involve open wounds. 2. **Role in the Learning Process:** My role in the learning process was both as an observer and a participant. Initially, I watched a skilled practitioner demonstrate the procedure, absorbing the nuances of each step—from hand hygiene to the careful handling of sterile items. I was then encouraged to practice under supervision, where I received constructive feedback on my technique, which helped reinforce my understanding of the importance of maintaining sterility. 3. **When I Was at My Best:** I felt I was at my best during the guided hands-on practice segment. My concentration on the details of the procedure—such as minimizing movement and ensuring no contamination occurred—allowed me to successfully don the sterile gown and gloves without breaking the sterile field. This moment exemplified effective nursing care management as I demonstrated both competence and confidence in executing the skill. 4. **Challenges Encountered:** One of the main challenges I encountered was the initial difficulty in managing the sterile gown's ties while trying to keep my hands sterile. This often resulted in needing to re-adjust and re-think my approach. I responded to this by asking for guidance from my instructor, who provided tips on coordinating movements more effectively. This helped me adapt and practice more efficiently during subsequent attempts. 5. **Aspects for Future Use:** I believe the most valuable aspect of this learning experience that I can utilize in the future is the emphasis on communication and teamwork when performing sterile procedures. Understanding that there is a collaboration involved when one is maintaining a sterile field will encourage me to seek assistance confidently, ensure clarity in instructions, and support my peers in similar procedures, ultimately fostering a safer environment for patient care.